Call down Torgos with Trachela's Carcass. Acquire a Tail Feather of Torgos and return it to Mawg Grimshot at Stonebreaker Hold in Terokkar Forest.
I want Torgos, king of the bonelashers, dead!$B$BNot long ago, while I was out hunting at Veil Rhaze on the western edge of the wastes, he fell upon me.$B$B$B$BHe took my eye, and now I would have his life! Bring me one of his tail feathers as proof and I'll give you a worthy reward.$B$BYou'll need his mate Trachela's carcass though to call him down as he's deathly afraid of the old arakkoan scarecrow known as Torgos's Bane.$B$BFind her at Carrion Hill in the northern wastes.
Required Level
Recommended Level
Did you kill him? Is Torgos dead?!$B$BYou have proof?
I thank you, $N! You have exacted my revenge, and as promised you will be rewarded!$B$BTake your pick of one of these and use it well!
You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
You will also receive: 6 60 (or 14 85 at max level)
Upon completion of this quest you will gain: