Magical Disturbances

Kill 10 Warp Stalkers and return to Kurgatok at Stonebreaker Hold.

There's nothing more annoying than preparing to cast a spell, only to have it interrupted by some unseen force. After the fourth time, I knew it couldn't be coincidence and I sent Keb'ezil out to investigate.$B$BI guarantee you'll never encounter an imp that talks back more than Keb.$B$BAnyway, he managed to find the source of the problem, a pesky creature known as a warp stalker. They have a habit of disturbing the magical energy wherever they blink into existence. I've had enough of their interference.



Keb'ezil wants to know if it's safe to hurl a fireball without embarrassing himself again.$B$B$B$BNo, it wasn't my shadow bolt! Take it back, you overgrown pixy!

Keb'ezil is relieved that you've taken care of that little problem, aren't you, Keb?$B$B$B$BYou'll have to forgive his bad manners. You know how demons can be...

You will receive:

3 Gold
10 Silver
8 Gold
26 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 10750 experience