Cave Mushrooms

Bring 5 Scaber Stalks and 1 Death Cap to Barithras Moonshade in Auberdine.

I am devising a potion that requires rare mushrooms, mushrooms that grow only in a certain cave. The cave lies behind Cliffspring Falls, to the east and slightly north along the mountains.$B$BI would go there myself, but I was advised by the Grove of the Ancients to stay away from that place. Our venerable allies sense that the cave is the hiding place for a new evil in Darkshore.$B$BPlease, $N, gather the mushrooms for me. And while doing so, scout the cave to confirm the Ancients' fears.



Do you have my mushrooms, $N? Have you been to the cave?

Many thanks, $N. These mushrooms are fine specimens!$B$BAnd when you were at Cliffspring Falls, did you find anything to confirm the warnings of the Ancients?$B$BThe Ancients are wise, but I had hoped that, this time, they were wrong.


You will also get these rewards:

You will also receive:

9 Silver
16 Silver
50 Copper
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 1250 experience
  • 250 reputation with Darnassus