Altered Beings

Bring 8 Altered Snapjaw Shells to Tonga Runetotem at the Crossroads.

Your findings are incredible, Adventurer. These oases hold properties that must come from an outside source. Or perhaps an inside one.
I want to know how these fissures are affecting the beasts who drink from the oases' water.

Hunt oasis snapjaws at the Lushwater and Stagnant Oases. Bring me their shells so I may examine them.



How goes your collection? Did you get the shells?

Thank you, Adventurer. Studying the beasts of an area can tell much about the area itself. We shall see what tale these shells tell.
Please accept my gratitude for your aid ... and perhaps you can use these coins. I find that I do not need them.

You will receive:

8 Silver
14 Silver
90 Copper
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 1150 experience
  • 250 reputation with Thunder Bluff
The Barrens OasesThe Forgotten PoolsThe Stagnant OasisAltered BeingsMura RunetotemHamuul RunetotemNara WildmaneLeaders of the Fang
Quest Item Drops

Oasis Snapjaw

Altered Snapjaw Shell

15 - 16
