Tyrande and Remulos

Travel to the Moonglade and speak to Keeper Remulos.

Tyrande will be notifed, mortal. Shan'do Stormrage has prepared me for this contingency.$B$BNow you must venture to the Moonglade and speak with Remulos. He will have further instruction as to the summoning of Eranikus.$B$BWe all wish you great luck.



It would be impossible to pull Eranikus from the Dream should he refuse. His intentions, however, require him to enter our world. He seeks to destroy the living manifestation of Malfurion. To do this successfully would mean an end to one of the most powerful allies of the Dream. The Nightmare would wholly consume all that would remain should Malfurion fall...


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 1650 experience
  • 150 reputation with Cenarion Circle
  • 10 reputation with Brood of Nozdormu