Fight for Warsong Gulch

Bring 3 Warsong Gulch Marks of Honor to an Alliance Brigadier General outside the battlegrounds.

The Silverwing Sentinels are at war with the Warsong Outriders due to the destruction the Orcs are causing to the forest. There are, however, more reasons to defend this particular forest than plain love for nature.$B$BThe forest forms a strategic barrier that makes Ashenvale defendable against a large-scale attack. Without it, Astranaar would last a day or two before being annexed to the Barrens.$B$BDo your part in fighting the Warsong Outriders, $N! For the Alliance!



You've come back with news from the front, $N?

Well done, $N! You've served the Alliance well.

You will receive:

90 Silver
1 Gold
29 Silver
60 Copper
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 6600 experience
  • 100 reputation with Silverwing Sentinels