True Believers

Hermit Ortell wants you to bring him 10 Encrypted Twilight Texts

Now that I have the Twilight Lexicon in my possession, there is a small favor I'd like to ask of you.$B$BMy former organization has a secret encoded bulletin they circulate on a monthly basis.$B$BIf they make any progress searching for me or if they call off the search, word will be published on the True Believer.$B$BAlthough this information is obviously valuable to me, the publication contains other useful information that I can share. Bring me any encoded texts you find on Twilight's Hammer members.



Did you find any encrypted texts? I'm quite curious to read this month's True Believer.

Excellent! I will get to decoding these as soon as possible. If I find anything of interest I'll find some way to get the information to you.

You will receive:

90 Silver
1 Gold
28 Silver
40 Copper
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 6400 experience
Quest Item Drops