The Legend of Stalvan

Take the muddy page to Commander Ebonlocke.

I followed the legend of that Stalvan character for years. When those visiting nobles were slaughtered a few years back I went with Haggard to investigate. I found these muddy pages but we were never able to link the handwriting to that crazy man in the woods. Your trail of evidence proves his guilt. Take this to Commander Ebonlocke immediately and fill her in on what you've discovered!



This better be good, $C. Let me see what you have and tell me your tale. But by the Light, be quick about it. Darkshire's defense is my number one priority. I have not the time to squander on dead-end leads.

My, you have proved yourself to be quite a detective, $C.


You will also get these rewards:


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 230 experience
  • 25 reputation with Stormwind