
Bring 3 Arcanite Bar to Gorzeeki in the Burning Steppes.

Now that the Bell, Wheel and Candle are made, I should make a black lodestone. During your ritual, you'll need that lodestone to maintain the other ritual objects if they should fail.$B$BTo make the lodestone, I require arcanite. Do you have any? If not, then... you'll have to get the arcanite from an alchemist.$B$BReturn to me when you have the arcanite, and then I'll make the black lodestone.



Do you have the arcanite, $N? Once I have it I can make you the black lodestone.

You got it! Nicely done! Now I can create the lodestone. When you're finally ready for your ritual to create the Circle of Greater Summoning, you'll want a lodestone to make sure the ritual doesn't fizzle out!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 6600 experience