The Balance of Light and Shadow

Save 50 Peasants before 15 are slain. Speak with Eris Havenfire should you accomplish this task.$B$BYou may view the Death Post to view how many Peasants have been slain.

You must do what I could not: Save the peasants that were cut down while fleeing from Stratholme.$B$BThey will walk towards the light, you must ensure their survival. Should too many fall, our cursed existence shall continue - you will have failed.$B$BEvery ability, prayer, and spell that you have learned will be tested. May the Light protect you, $N.



Your tenacity and courage are astounding, $gpriest:priestess;. You have earned the right to hold the Splinter of Nordrassil. Only one task remains: The Eye of Shadow must be recovered. Scour the world.


You will also get these rewards:


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 9950 experience