A King's Tribute

Grand Mason Marblesten of Ironforge wants 5 pieces of Alterac Granite.

So our good King would like a memorial built in honor of a soldier named Sully Balloo? And you say the poor chap died during the Thandol Span tragedy?$B$BBah, will there ever be peace on Azeroth?$B$BNonetheless, any commission from the King is of utmost importance. To build a truly epic and lasting piece I want to work with one of the finest stones available. Travel to Darrow Hill in Hillsbrad and gather for me some Alterac Granite.



$N, $N, $N! Tell me you have enough Alterac Granite for me to begin my masterpiece in honor of Sully Balloo.

Perfect! Better than I could have imagined!$B$BAnd I have quite an imagination you know...


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 2500 experience
  • 250 reputation with Ironforge