Ivus the Forest Lord


The Frostwolf Clan is protected by a taint of elemental energy. Their shaman meddle in powers that will surely destroy us all if left unchecked.$B$BThe damage has grown too great for the Circle to control! Ivus must be called to our aid.$B$BThe Frostwolf soldiers carry elemental charms called storm crystals. We can use the charms to conjure Ivus. Venture forth and claim the crystals, $n!

Well done, $N. I will use the power of this charm to augment the magic that has already been gathered. When enough power has been amassed, I shall focus the collected energies and call upon the Forest Lord to aid our cause.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 10 reputation with Ironforge
  • 1 reputation with Stormpike Guard
Quest Item Drops