The Thandol Span

Destroy the cache of explosives.

Heavens no! Poor Rustlocke. 'Tis quite a tragedy indeed.$B$BWe must not let his death pass in vain. This parchment you discovered indicates that Kam Deepfury, the mastermind behind the original attack, arranged for a cache of explosives to be stashed just across the Thandol Span, in Arathi Highlands.$B$BIf those explosives make it to the bridge, our major supply line to the north will be severed! The cache must be destroyed, $n! Return to me when your mission is complete.$B$BYou're our only hope.



The cache of explosives must be destroyed!

The remaining bridge is saved! You have done a great service to King Magni and the people of Khaz Modan.$B$BNow if we can only hold out long enough for reinforcements to show...


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 2500 experience
  • 150 reputation with Ironforge