Of Love and Family

Travel to island of Caer Darrow, in the south-central region of the Plaguelands, and look for any clues as to the whereabouts of the painting.

When Taelan was a child, we would oft visit Caer Darrow on family excursions. On our last visit, an artist by the name of Renfray painted a portrait of us poised along the beachside. It is my fondest memory of both Taelan and Karandra. For it was at that moment, with my wife and son in my arms, that I felt a bond of love and family that I would never know again.$B$BIf this painting still exists, you must find it.$B$BTravel to the ruined island of Caer Darrow and see if the painting or the artist remain.



How could I forget? Many of the spirits on this island are cursed to relive their last happy memory before they met their tragic end.$B$BI too am cursed, but not as they - I am one of the few that remembers all...$B$BPerhaps this thing that you ask me is why I haunt these ruins. Perhaps this thing I tell you shall set me free.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 6200 experience