Leonid Barthalomew

Bring the Frozen Eggs to Leonid Barthalomew in the Eastern Plaguelands.

I received a message from my master, Vectus. Well, the message wasn't really from Vectus...it was from someone named Leonid Barthalomew. I don't know Leonid, but he knew my master, and no one knows my master unless he allows it.$B$BLeonid says Vectus wants the dragon eggs. He wants you to deliver them to him at the Light's Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.$B$BThat hurts! Why you? Doesn't Vectus trust me? Oh, never mind... just take the eggs and tell Leonid that I did what our master commanded.



You are the one up to mischief in Blackrock Spire, yes? Do you have what I asked for?

Ah, very good. You do not know the evil power for whom you have labored, but now you will know the truth. And fear not--I am no servant of that master. I am Leonid Barthalomew, known as "the Revered" to my brethren in the Argent Dawn.$B$BI tricked Tinkee into sending you and the dragon eggs to me. And it is good that my trick was successful, for had these eggs reached their intended destination, a great power would have fallen into the hands of the enemy.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 4950 experience
  • 75 reputation with Argent Dawn