The Gordok Ogre Suit

Bring 4 Bolts of Runecloth, 8 Rugged Leather, 2 Rune Threads, and Ogre Tannin to Knot Thimblejack. He is currently chained inside the Gordok wing of Dire Maul.

If you're going to fight the king of this dump - and I think that's what you're bound to do - then you're going to need to get by Captain Kromcrush. Now, you can get by him by killing him, sure. You might actually want to leave him alive.$B$BHow, you ask? Since I've been here, I think I know how to make an ogre suit that will last just long enough to fool these bozos. The only problem is stability - ten minutes tops. Bring me what I need, and I'll make you one. I'm not going anywhere...


The Ogre Tannin is probably the toughest thing to find for what I need to make the suit - I think they have some upstairs? It's hard to tell, since this ball and chain doesn't make movement that easy to do...$B$BAnyway, bring me the things I need, and I'll whip you up an ogre suit that will fool Captain Kromcrush into thinking you're one of his men.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 6600 experience
  • 250 reputation with Booty Bay
  • 250 reputation with Gadgetzan
  • 250 reputation with Ratchet
  • 250 reputation with Everlook
Quest Item Drops