The Lich, Ras Frostwhisper

Find Ras Frostwhisper in the Scholomance. When you have found him, use the Soulbound Keepsake on his undead visage. Should you succeed in reverting him to a mortal, strike him down and recover the Human Head of Ras Frostwhisper. Take the head back to Magistrate Marduke.

There is but one task remaining, Adventurer. Confront the lich, Ras Frostwhisper, in his lair.
Use the power of the keepsake against the beast - be unrelenting in your actions! Weather the blows that the flailing beast will surely bring down upon you. Do not give in to the pain!

When the ritual is complete, Ras will be mortal once more. It is at that point that he must be slain. Strike him down and take his human head.



You carry the burden of ten thousand restless souls, Adventurer.

Ten thousand souls cry out in unison, Adventurer! You have struck a mortal blow to the Scourge and their masters.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:

You will also get these rewards:


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 9950 experience
Doctor Theolen Krastinov, the ButcherKrastinov's Bag of HorrorsKirtonos the HeraldThe Human, Ras FrostwhisperThe Dying, Ras FrostwhisperMenethil's GiftMenethil's GiftSoulbound KeepsakeThe Lich, Ras Frostwhisper
Quest Item Drops