The Last Barov

Travel to Chillwind Camp - Alliance territory - and assassinate Weldon Barov. Take his head and return to Alexi Barov.$B$BBe warned, Weldon will probably be well protected by Alliance scum.

Naturally, with my brother still alive, there may be some contention as to the primary beneficiary of the family's fortune. This cannot be.$B$BA low down guttersnipe like you isn't above a little cold-blooded murder, I hope.$B$BIt's a simple task and one that I expect you will complete; that is, if you wish to claim your reward.$B$BWeldon sits under Alliance protection at Chillwind Camp, to the east. Slay him, return his head.$B$B$B$BHurry along now.



Secure my fortune and share in the spoils.

Wonderful! Now only I hold the power and fortune of house Barov!$B$B$B$BAnd keep the change, you filthy animal.


You will also get these rewards:

You will also receive:

1 Gold
80 Silver
2 Gold
32 Silver
80 Copper
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 8800 experience
Quest Item Drops

Weldon Barov

Head of Weldon Barov

