Tormented By the Past

Take the Crystal of Zin-Malor to Lake Kel'Theril in Winterspring and find a highborne spirit that will speak to you.

Adventurer, I weep for what has happened in the past. Like this crystal, the elves, as a race, have been shattered. I do not know if the pieces will ever again be reunited into one, but my sorrow has been eased by being able to help you with this one small task.
We must not forget the past, $N...

Please take the Crystal of Zin-Malor back to Lake Kel'Theril. You must find a highborne spirit that realizes the error of what was done so long ago. Show the spirit that we have made things right again.



Currrrrsed... Forevvvverrrr...

Pleeease, leeeave meeeeee...


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 4650 experience
  • 25 reputation with Ironforge
  • 25 reputation with Gnomeregan Exiles
  • 25 reputation with Darnassus
  • 25 reputation with Stormwind
StarfallThe Ruins of Kel'TherilTroubled Spirits of Kel'TherilFragments of the PastFragments of the PastTormented By the PastRemorseful HighborneThe Crystal of Zin-MalorTo Winterspring!