Fragments of the Past

Bring an Enchanted Thorium Bar, 5 Crystal Restore, and a Vial of Dire Water to Aurora Skycaller near the Northpass Tower in Eastern Plaguelands.

I will be able to help you, if recreating the artifact is truly what you wish to do.$B$BTo seal the pieces back together, I will need items with strong magical qualities. An enchanted thorium bar and five crystal restore... You'll also need to collect some water from what might seem an unlikely place... Find the dire pool along Eldreth Row at Dire Maul in Feralas, and fill this vial.$B$BWhile you are gone, I will attempt to glean from these pages the knowledge I need to repair the damage done to the relic.



The relic must be placed in the hands of only the most trustworthy. It can not be stolen again...

Using these elements, I can fuse the fragments together... to hopefully what they once were.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 6000 experience
  • 25 reputation with Ironforge
  • 25 reputation with Gnomeregan Exiles
  • 25 reputation with Darnassus
  • 25 reputation with Stormwind