Are We There, Yeti?

Take Umi's Mechanical Yeti and scare her friends with it:$B$BLegacki in Everlook (Winterspring)$BSprinkle in Gadgetzan (Tanaris)$BQuixxil in Marshal's Refuge (Un'Goro Crater)$B$BWhen you are done, bring the Mechanical Yeti back to Umi.

It's all ready, $N!$B$BNow, I sent some mail to my friends already, telling them that I have a surprise for them. This is where you come in!$B$BI'm going to give you my mechanical yeti, and you need to surprise them by paying each of my friends a visit, turning the yeti on and sending it towards them.$B$B Once you have shown Legacki in Everlook, Sprinkle in Gadgetzan, and Quixxil in Marshal's Refuge, come back and tell me what happened!$B$BPlease bring my yeti back to me then, too.



I can't wait to hear how my friends react!$B$BThey'll never expect it!

Hah! They'll think twice before making fun of my ideas again!$B$BThanks for your help, $N. I couldn't have had so much fun without you!


You will also get these rewards:

You will also receive:

90 Silver
1 Gold
36 Silver
50 Copper
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 7750 experience
  • 350 reputation with Everlook