Yuka Screwspigot

Speak with Yuka Screwspigot in the Burning Steppes.

Although my little brother Ribbly has been worthless his whole life, I think, finally, he has some value! But... we might need your help to capitalize on Ribbly's newfound worth.$B$BMy sister Yuka has been looking for him for weeks, and tracked him to the Burning Steppes. She sent word to me, asking for some hired hands.$B$BSo, what do you say? Want to help? If so, then speak with my sister. You'll find her holed up in Flame Crest, a cave northwest of Dreadmaul Rock.



Yes, I'm looking for my brother. We must find him and retrieve him, bless his heart.$B$BBut if we can't bring all of him... then his head will suffice.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 2650 experience