Freed from the Hive

Free Raschal from the Zukk'ash hive.$B$BReturn to Ginro Hearthkindle in Feathermoon Stronghold and let him know that Raschal is alive and well.

The pod splits opens some when you touch it, revealing a night elven male who is surprisingly still alive. He seems to be in good health, though deeply stunned. As you help him down from the pod, he stirs to life.$B$B"Thank Elune - you've saved me, friend! I... I'm Raschal, and I awoke paralyzed inside this pod after these bugs overwhelmed me. Were you sent by the Stronghold?"$B$BIt would seem that you've found the missing courier!



You have something to report, $n?

Welcome home, $N. Raschal checked in just a little while ago and told me what happened.$B$BI... no, the entire Stronghold can't even begin to thank you for your great deed; Raschal would have been dead without your timely aid, and your assistance came to us without even so much as the whisper of a mercenary's fee. You bear the mark of a true hero. Know that you will always have a friend in Ginro Hearthkindle.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 4050 experience
  • 250 reputation with Darnassus