The True Masters

Speak with Ragged John to learn of Marshal Windsor's fate and return to Marshal Maxwell when you have completed this task.$B$BYou recall Marshal Maxwell telling you to search for him in a cave to the north.

What? You thought you were the first? How many soldiers must we lose before Stormwind acts?$B$BWe had accumulated enormous amounts of intelligence pertaining to the Blackrock menace before we lost our commanding officer, Marshal Windsor. With Marshal Windsor went all of our precious information.$B$BWhat we need is that documentation. Speak with Ragged John, $N. He was with Windsor when they were attacked by a Blackrock raiding party. He was last seen in a cave to the north.



Have you spoken with John yet?

I could have warned you, but what fun is that?


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 550 experience