Larion and Muigin
Hunt 5 Bloodpetal Lashers, 5 Bloodpetal Threshers, 5 Bloodpetal Flayers and 5 Bloodpetal Trappers for Larion at Marshal's Refuge.
5x Bloodpetal Lasher slain
5x Bloodpetal Flayer slain
5x Bloodpetal Thresher slain
5x Bloodpetal Trapper slain
See Muigin over there? It's HIS fault we're lost!$B$BI'm the one that knew the way, but he insisted he knew a shortcut, and we ended up here!$B$BTo make matters worse, now he keeps sending his crazy plant pests to annoy me. I'm so angry that I'm not planning on talking to him any time soon, but these pests are too much to handle.$B$BWhy don't we try to limit his supply, first thing. Go out and hunt some Bloodpetals, then return to me.
Muigin needs to apologize first before I'll talk to him again!
Thanks for your help, $N, but I'm afraid I have some bad news...
You will receive: 75 1 5 60
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
- 5100 experience