Cleansing Felwood

Bring 15 Blood Amber to Maybess Riverbreeze in Felwood.

Plants give life to Felwood, yet even they suffer the taint of corruption. I know ways to cleanse them, but I cannot give out such knowledge to those I don't know or trust. Prove to me that you will truly aid the cause of the Cenarion Circle!$B$BTo the north lie the Irontree Caverns. The Warpwood elementals present there are now beyond hope of cleansing. I ask you to bring me their sap - blood amber it is called - so I may study it in the hopes of saving other forms of life here.



I know Felwood suffers, $N - I suffer along with it! I must remain steadfast in my conviction; were the knowledge I possess to fall into the wrong hands, it would spell disaster for all of Felwood.$B$BBring to me the blood amber drawn from the slain Warpwood elementals, and I will trust you enough to help me enact a means to fight the corruption.

This blood amber will be used to find a means of defeating the corruption present in Felwood. You've proven to me that you're willing to do whatever it takes for the Cenarion Circle. I trust you now, friend.$B$BIt might seem odd that killing the elementals proved yourself to me, but the end of saving countless sentient beings must justify the means we take. You and I can now focus on the preservation of life through the salves I can make.$B$B$N, the time has come to cleanse Felwood.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 5650 experience
Quest Item Drops