What Is Going On?

Speak with Kharan Mighthammer and gather information about Princess Moira Bronzebeard's kidnapping. Take that information to Thrall in Orgrimmar.$B$BYou recall Gor'shak mentioning that Kharan is being held in a cell nearby.$B

So far, my communication with the dwarf, Kharan, in the cell across the hall, has been limited. I have, however, managed to convince him that I, rather -we- mean him no harm.$B$BGo speak with him and gather as much information about the Princess and her captors as possible. Take that information back to the Warchief.$B$BThrall does not want the Princess harmed, but instead, has some grand plan laid out, which includes her being safely returned to Ironforge. Kharan already knows all of this... Go!$B



What brings you to these hallowed grounds?

This is a chance for the Horde to change the political climate of our war torn world forever. Listen carefully, $N.$B$BFailure of this mission is not an option.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 550 experience
  • 350 reputation with Orgrimmar