Disharmony of Flame

Travel to the quarry in Blackrock Mountain and slay Overmaster Pyron. Return to Thunderheart when you have completed this assignment.$B

The elders have felt a disturbance amongst the elements. The Dark Iron dwarves have summoned a foul spirit into our world that threatens to plague our lands with an eternal draught. This disharmony of flame must be investigated.$B$BTravel to Blackrock Mountain, through the Chasm of Flame, into the quarry. It is there that you shall find this lord of fire: Overmaster Pyron.$B$BEnd the disruption and return to me.



The elements are still in disarray, $N.

This cannot be... it must not be. The destruction of Pyron has merely lifted a veil. Within the depths of Blackrock is a much more insidious source of corruption.$B$B

You will receive:

1 Gold
55 Silver
1 Gold
85 Silver
60 Copper
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 5100 experience
  • 250 reputation with Thunder Bluff