The Flawless Flame

Collect 4 Hearts of Flame and 4 globes of Golem Oil and return the items to Kalaran Windblade.

You have made the right decision, $N.$B$BWe must strike where we will do the most damage: the four sentry towers.$B$BWith the four towers in flames, we can initiate an offensive before they have time to react.$B$BYou will need the proper tool to set the towers ablaze. To make the tool requires some materials.$B$BBring me four hearts of flame and four golem oil and I shall craft the torch of flawless flame.$B$BThe golems and elementals in these lands should be your first target.



Have you collected the materials?

Well done, $N. We are almost ready.

You will receive:

1 Gold
40 Silver
1 Gold
66 Silver
40 Copper
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 4400 experience
Quest Item Drops