The Shadowy Search Continues

See if other townsfolk have clues about the shadowy figure.

Here is your book back, $N, and I bid you fortune with your search. If you ask others in town, perhaps they can offer you more clues.$B$BAnd here is one more for you - although the author of this book is a stranger to Darkshire, the book itself was purchased here.



Sometimes I'll sell blank books to scholars and mages, or to anyone who wants to keep a journal.$B$BI remember well everyone to whom I sold a book within the last few months...

Ah, yes. I sold this book a month ago to a shady person. He didn't tell me his name, but he was a nervous, jittery chap, always looking over his shoulder.$B$BI hope that helps you...


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 200 experience