The Decisive Striker

Bring three Scorpok Pincers, two Vulture Gizzards, and one Blasted Boar Lung to Bloodmage Drazial.$B

Have you ever watched them in battle, $N? The scorpoks, I mean. Have you ever seen the grace and agility with which they move? The decisiveness of their strikes?$B$BIf only we could somehow isolate that agility and encapsulate it, we would be wealthy beyond our... I mean... it would be a boon for the scientific community.$B$BAssist me, $N, and I shall allow you a sampling of the assay.$B$BIn order to create a stable sample, I will need three scorpok pincers, two vulture gizzards, and one blasted boar lung.



Where are the organs, $N!?$B$B

Fascinating. This has been the most difficult of all assays to analyze.$B$BTake a pinch of this residual salt and place it under your tongue. You should experience a slight feeling of euphoria followed by a state of unprecedented agility and quickness.


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  • 4700 experience
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