Worgen in the Woods
Kill 12 Nightbane Dark Runner worgen for Calor in Darkshire.
You might have noticed some larger worgen wandering around with the Shadow Weavers in the woods? From what we can tell, these Dark Runners make up the bulk of the worgen numbers.$B$BOn my rangings, I've also noticed that they have overrun the Rotting Orchard southwest of town. These worgen are a bit tougher than the last you faced.$B$BBe on your guard.
Back so soon, $N? I hope you haven't come to tell me you've given up.
You performed well against the Dark Runners, $N. But it seems as though their numbers are inexhaustible. Every time we make progress, more spring up to refill their ranks.$B$BWhat is the evil power that draws them here? Why have they come to disturb our unhappy realm...$B$BI will put my faith in Master Carevin. No doubt he will get to the bottom of the problem.
You will receive: 19 29 50
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
- 1750 experience
- 150 reputation with Stormwind