Satyr Hooves

Bring 7 Uncloven Satyr Hooves to Ula'elek at Sen'jin Village in Durotar.

I can make you a pair of brutal gauntlets, and great magic will they hold. But first, you must collect this magic and bring it to me.$B$BThe satyrs dwell in northeastern Ashenvale because of the forest's power. They feed off its purity, leeching and corrupting. You can tell which satyrs have drawn the most of Ashenvale's magic by their swollen, uncloven hooves.$B$BThese hooves hold great power. I will need them for your gauntlets' crafting.



Do you have the hooves, $N? The magic within them is strong.

Ah, you have them! Now, just as the Satyrs leeched the strength of Ashenvale, I will leech the power held within these hooves and harness it into my crafting...


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 1200 experience
Quest Item Drops