The Rethban Gauntlet

Enter the Rethban Caverns, reach the first fork, and return to Yorus Barleybrew within the time allowed.$B$BYou must not die and release your spirit.

I call my challenge the Rethban Gauntlet. To pass the trial, all you must do is enter the Rethban Caverns, to the first fork, then return here. Easy! Except there are a few wrinkles...$B$BYou have to return within an hour.$B$BThere are whole heaps of Redridge Gnolls in the way.$B$BBefore you start, you have to take a swig of my family's signature drink: Barleybrew Scalder!$B$BSo what do you say? The Rethban Caverns are in the foothills north of Lakeshire. Are you ready to run the Rethban Gauntlet?



Time is wasting, $N. If I were you, I'd get going...

You made it! Well done! Three cheers for $N!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 1300 experience