The Tome of Valor

Defend Daphne Stilwell from the Defias attack.
Neither of your spirits must be released from their mortal coils if you wish to succeed.

After you are successful, speak to Daphne Stilwell again.

Now, they'll be coming again soon, I'd wager, so get yourself ready.
I've got myself a gun in the house. I'll grab it and be ready to help you out, but for the most part, you're on your own.

I've no idea how many they'll send, but I'm sure it'll be more than the few they sent earlier.

Ask the Light for whatever blessings you can because... did you hear that? I think they're coming.

We make our stand near the house!



We'll make our stand at the house!

We've done it, Adventurer! Thank you for your help. You were truly amazing out there. I never thought a $C could handle so many enemies at once.
You've truly shown bravery in the face of overwhelming odds.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 1000 experience
The Tome of ValorThe Tome of ValorThe Tome of ValorThe Tome of ValorThe Test of RighteousnessThe Test of RighteousnessThe Test of RighteousnessSeeking the Kor Gem