Call of Air

Find Prate Cloudseer in Thousand Needles.

You be makin' headway now, mon. Your be ready to prove yerself worthy of the air totem, but first, ya must fin' Prate Cloudseer in Thousand Needles. She be willin' ta tell ya how to get yer air totem if ya treat her wit enough respect.$B$BHead south through the Barrens, and after ya reach Thousand Needles, head east. You'll find her hiddin' in a hole wit' her boyfriend--haha, don' tell her I be dissin' her none--she not take it too kindly.



For the time being. I shall give you what you need to focus your spells and to call upon the spirits of air. Take this totem, and when you are ready, train with me some more.


You will also get these rewards:


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 2450 experience