To The Hinterlands

Speak with High Thane Falstad Wildhammer at Aerie Peak in the Hinterlands.

As I mentioned earlier, I attempted to scout the temple on my own from the air. Well, I wasn't exactly alone.$B$BI traveled to the renowned gryphon aviary at Aerie Peak in The Hinterlands. There I enlisted the aid of one of their finest pilots. The pilot fell off his mount, down into the swamp...$B$BIn my old age the poor fellow's name eludes me. The master of the aviary would remember, no doubt.$B$BJourney there and seek out Falstad Wildhammer.$B$BWe need to find out what happened to that pilot.



What do you want, $gladdy:missy;? Can't you see I've got problems to take care of here? Who has time to stand around yapping with some $R chatterbox?$b$bThere are trolls coming out of the woodwork! Make it snappy.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 1800 experience