Hardened Shells

Bring 9 Hardened Tortoise Shells to Wizzle Brassbolts in the Shimmering Flats.

My brother is working on a new fuel for his rocket car. He's brilliant, he really is. So brilliant that... I think that new fuel he's designing is strong enough to eat right through the car's chassis!$B$BI want to reinforce its fuel tanks before that happens.$B$BThe tortoises out on the flats have very hard shells. I want to use them to create new tanks for our rocket car. Tanks that can hold my brother's new fuel.$B$BYou look responsible enough. Will you get me those shells?



My brother is making progress with his new fuel design, and that has me worried. I need to start work on a tortoise shell fuel tank as soon as possible!

You got them! Thanks, $N!

You will receive:

25 Silver
39 Silver
70 Copper
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 2450 experience
Quest Item Drops